

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

The Commercial Real Estate Blog

(Please note that if you are looking for help developing a custom, commercial real estate blog, we can help)

Blogging has been the avant garde in real estate for a couple of years, to the point where there isn’t an agent that hasn’t at least heard of the phenomena. Inman dedicates two days to it, is on the bandwagon, and all the Big Box agencies have now been forced to consider it.

One irony however, is that a liberal estimation of the percentage of real estate agents that actually call themselves ‘dedicated bloggers’ is less than .01.  To think that such a small percentage of the industry has had such a big impact on it, to me, reinforces the reason it is so damn important.

But the more alarming fact is that the world of Commercial Real Estate has completely overlooked blogging as a viable means of online marketing.

Last year, in February, I was interviewed by Mariwyn Evans, a senior editor for Realtor Magazine on the subject of Commercial Real Estate Blogging.  She was looking for some insight on whether or not blogging was “for” commercial real estate practitioners, given the scarcity of their existence.  My response: Blogging can be an incredibly effective marketing tool for anyone that relies on content as part of their business model.  But as to where they all were?  I had, and still have no idea.

Where are all the Commercial Real Estate Bloggers?

It would make a convenient excuse that I have been searching for them all month, hence the lack of posts here at the Tomato… but the reality is, I just spent a few of hours digging through Google, Technorati, blog directories, ActiveRain, Twitter and blogrolls and came up with the following, piddly little list.

By far the most celebrated and visible commercial real estate blog I found is SquareFeetBlog.  Their most recent post is the 14th of Nov, but their normal frequency is as much as several articles a week.  

From there, I located a total of 10 active CRE blogs.  Listed in order of their most recent post, you are looking at the trailblazers of the industry.

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