

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

facts estate business

Here we try to present some facts about the condition of the property in general and specifically in Indonesia. This exposure can be thought of to do something in the business world properties in Indonesia.

     All people need homes | Surely everyone needs a place to stay because the residence is one of the basic needs. Then provide!
     Earth was created 1 time | Throughout the writers understand and know, the earth is only created once. Wallahu'alam
     The population grew older | Clear! Every second person to marry and breed. Deh increasingly crowded world.

     Supply thinning, increased demand | Obviously, because their ground did not widen and grow while increasing human, thin supplynya play, the added demandnnya.
     Back log 13.8 million people need homes | According to data in Kemenpera (Ministry of Housing) 13.8 million households still do not have a home. Nah!
     The business cycle properties 2010 - 2014, predicted even longer | property consultant said so. It could even be extended to 2018 as long as no shock crisis. It makes sense. Due to the more narrow land, permits more complicated.

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